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PRESS RELEASE: Ecodesign for sustainable products: European furniture industry ready to engage in the journey of making sustainable products the norm
28 June, 2024
Brussels 28 June 2024: European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) welcomes the publication of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) in the Official Journal of the EU and looks forward to a continuous dialogue with policymakers in developing ecodesign rules for furniture, which is prioritised in the ESPR for first action.

PRESS RELEASE: EFIC 2024 Furniture Days brings together members to address furniture industry priorities for the EU elections and beyond
12 June, 2024
Brussels, 12 June 2024 - European Furniture industry representatives gathered on 11 & 12 in Antwerp for the EFIC Furniture Days 2024, the confederation’s annual gathering, to take stock of and discuss about the market situation in the furniture industry, key EU files such as the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, the outcome of the European Parliament elections and the opportunities of unlocking Artificial Intelligence in the furniture sector.

ESPR adopted by Council
27 May, 2024
The Council has adopted today the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, following its adoption by the Parliament in Plenary last month.
The adoption by the Council marks the last step in the decision-making procedure. The regulation is now formally adopted and will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union in the coming weeks.
Furniture (and mattresses) are prioritised in the ESPR. The work plan with first product priorities is expected to be published at the latest 9 months after the entry into force of the Regulation, specifying which products will be targeted.
EFIC looks forward to a continuous dialogue with policymakers in the next steps of developing product-specific legislation.

ESPR adopted in EP Plenary
23 April, 2024
The European Parliament adopted today in plenary the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation ESPR.
MEP ALESSANDRA MORETTI, rapporteur of the file, reminded that the ESPR will ensure that sustainable products become the norm, which will be beneficial both for consumers and the planet.
Next step is the adoption of the file by the Council of the EU and publication in the Official Journal, expected in May/June.
Furniture (and mattresses) are prioritised in the ESPR. The work plan with first product priorities is expected to be published at the latest 9 months after the entry into force of the Regulation, specifying which products will be targeted.
We look forward to a continuous dialogue with policymakers in the next steps of developing product-specific legislation.

EFIC co-signed Joint European Industry Manifesto
15 April, 2024
EFIC co-signed a Joint European Industry Manifesto alongside 85 European and national industry associations. We have joined forces to make a united call to prevent the risk of de-industrialisation on our continent by relaunching Europe’s competitiveness.
The EU enters a new policy cycle at a challenging time, with technology and geopolitics acting as global disruptors, adding pressure to an already difficult economic situation. Now is the time to start building a strategic plan that unlocks the Single Market’s full potential and builds a regulatory environment for EU industry to remain globally competitive.
European industry’s demands are clear. We call on EU and national leaders to:
Reposition Europe as global leader in trade
Embrace a horizontal approach to EU Single Market and competitiveness
Build a joined-up strategy to boost value chain resilience, protecting jobs and consumers
Bridge the innovation gap
Nurture talents and skills
EFIC co-signed the Antwerp Declaration
11 April, 2024
EFIC is pleased to have co-signed the Antwerp Declaration calling for a European Industrial Deal, needed to complement the Green Deal and keep high quality jobs for European workers in Europe. We urge EU Leaders to include our call into the new EU Strategic Agenda and European policies for the next five years.
The declaration counts with 1000+ signatories representing companies, associations, unions, and other organizations committed to delivering the climate solutions that Europe needs.
We need:
An Industrial Deal at the EU Strategic Agenda’s core
Strong public funding with Clean Tech Fund
Make Europe a top competitive energy supplier
Focus on needed European infrastructure
Boost EU's raw materials security
Increase demand for net zero & circular products
Leverage & improve the single market
Create a smarter innovation framework
Let entrepreneurship thrive to overcome challenges
Ensure a structure for achieving results
EFIC Manifesto 2024-2029 - For a Competitive European Furniture Industry
21 March, 2024
Our recommendations in short:
1. Harmonised legislation at EU level, with standardisation as its backbone
2. Holistic approach on circular economy to fully close the loop
3. Level playing field, increased market surveillance and enforcement of EU rules
4. Fair and free international trade and fighting illegitimate trade
5. Increased design protection and measures against counterfeiting
6. Addressing labour shortages and skills needs
7. Ensuring a competitive EU globally and supporting SMEs

EFIC Annual Report 2023
28 February, 2024
In 2023, our focus was on several EU circular economy initiatives, in particular the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), which is expected to prioritise furniture among other product groups.
Our industry can already today demonstrate a range of best practices and is progressively developing circular business models. We look forward to contributing to making sustainable products the norm in the EU and to engaging with EU institutions in the next steps and in view of the development of product specific legislation affecting the furniture sector.

PRESS RELEASE: Edi Snaidero re-appointed President of the European Furniture Industries Confederation
11 December, 2023
Brussels, 11 December 2023 – During the Extraordinary General Assembly of the European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) held on 6 December 2023, the EFIC membership elected Edi Snaidero as President of the organisation for the second time, for the period running from 2024 to 2026.

PRESS RELEASE: Partners kick-off the EU funded FurnCIRCLE project focusing on Circular Economy Guidelines and Tools for Application in the EU Furniture Sector
5 October, 2023
Milan, 5 October 2023 – Partners of the EU funded FurnCIRCLE project - Circular Economy Guidelines and Tools for Application in the EU Furniture Sector - met in Milan for the official kick-off of the project, hosted by the project leader FederLegno Arredo (FLA).

PRESS RELEASE: Cyprus furniture association PASYVEX hosts EFIC members in Cyprus
4 October, 2023
Brussels, 4 October 2023 – Representatives of the European furniture industry convened last week in Protaras, Cyprus, to attend the European Furniture Industries Confederation’s (EFIC) Extraordinary General Assembly, hosted by the EFIC member PASYVEX, the Cyprus Furniture & Woodworking Industry Association.

PRESS RELEASE: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation: European Furniture industry welcomes European Parliament plenary vote
14 July, 2023
Brussels, 14 July 2023 - The European furniture industry, represented by the European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC), welcomes the European Parliament’s plenary vote of 12 July on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and supports the EU’s ambitions to make sustainable products the norm.

PRESS RELEASE: European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) welcomes Spanish UNEmadera in its membership
10 July, 2023
Brussels, 10 July 2023 – The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) is pleased to welcome in its membership the Union of Spanish Wood and Furniture companies, UNEmadera, effective as of July 2023.

PRESS RELEASE: EFIC General Assembly takes place in Alicante in the framework of a cooperation agreement on IP rights protection
5 July, 2023
Brussels, 5 July 2023 – Representatives of the furniture industry convened last week in Alicante to attend the European Furniture Industries Confederation’s (EFIC) General Assembly, hosted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in the context of a joint collaboration between the EUIPO and EFIC initiated in 2021. Through EUIPO’s network Ideas Powered for Business, which EFIC is part of, EFIC and EUIPO work closely together to raise awareness about tools to protect design and Intellectual Property (IP) rights. Design is a key aspect for the furniture industry and the protection of intangible contents remains a priority to preserve its competitiveness.

Joint Statement: Green Deal ambition and ESPR threatened by lacking rules for online sales
March, 2023
In this joint statement, united NGOs and European industry warn that online sellers could escape the EU’s new product sustainability requirements using the E-market loopholes. This affects online sales of textiles, electronics, furniture, cosmetics and any product that would be covered by the Eco-design for Sustainable Product Regulation (ESPR).

PRESS RELEASE: European Year of Skills: The European woodworking and furniture social partners address in a high-level meeting with EU institutions and experts the common challenge of staff shortages, as well as skills and training needs in both sectors to support the green and digital transition
February, 2023
In the context of the European Year of Skills, on 13 February, the Woodworking and Furniture European Social Partners, CEI-Bois, EFBWW and EFIC organised a dedicated expert meeting on challenges and perspectives for skills and training in both sectors. High-level speakers investigated cross border collaboration between training institutes, companies and trade unions and explored the question of the future of work, in a context where shortages of staff and boosting the attractiveness of both industries are a common challenge and where new skills needs are emerging due to the green and digital transitions.

Joint Statement: The European Woodworking and Furniture Social Partners welcome the new EU forest strategy passed by the European Parliament on 13 September 2022: A new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 –
Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
February, 2023
The European Social Partners welcome the new EU Forest Strategy and commit themselves to implement the various aspects of the Forest Strategy by informing their national members; by supporting concrete measures on regional or even company level and by its implementation via national agreements.
We stress the importance of strengthening cooperation as regards implementing the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 and hope the European Commission will take into account all stakeholders in its development.

EFIC looks forward to contributing to the Commission’s High-Level Forum on European standardisation
January, 2023
EFIC is pleased to be represented in the High-Level Forum on European Standardisation set up by the European Commission to identify standardisation priorities in support of EU policies and legislation.
The forum was formally inaugurated by Commissioner Breton on 20 January.
Copyright European Commission
Press release: 2023 European Year of Skills: investing in people in the woodworking and furniture Social Partners commitment
December, 2022
The woodworking and furniture European social partners plan to engage in the “2023 European Year for skills” by holding a dedicated expert meeting on 13 February 2023 in the framework of their joint woodworking and furniture Sector Social Dialogue and producing a European best practices brochure to celebrate the commitment of our industries on skills while inspiring new initiatives and commitments by our industries for the next working generations.
Joint statement: Considerations of the European forest-based industries on the proposal for a regulation on deforestation and forest degradation adopted by the European Parliament
September, 2022
EFIC co signed a joint paper issed by the European forest-based industries sharing considerations on the proposal for a regulation on deforestation-free value chains adopted by the the Plenary of the European Parliament on the 13 September 2022
European Furniture Industries Confederation position on the Commission proposal for an Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
June, 2022
The European furniture industry is following closely Green Deal initiatives aimed at making circular economy the norm, such as the Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI). As such, building on the EFIC position on the SPI of June 2021, we welcome the possibility to provide our views on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) proposal.
First edition of the EFIC Furniture Days on 19 May paves the way for an ever closer collaboration in the furniture value chain and reinforces industry commitment to circularity objectives
May 23, 2022
On 19 May the European Furniture Industries Confederation hosted the ‘Furniture Day 2022’, an event organised to create a cross value chain discussion about the furniture industry, its future competitiveness and positive societal impact. Policymakers, furniture industry and supply chain representatives debated about the impact of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine on the furniture value chain, as well as about the opportunities of unlocking the twin transition – circular economy and digitalisation.
EFIC formally welcomes Turkish federation MOSFED as a member
April 1, 2022
The European Furniture Industries Confederation is glad to confirm the membership of the Turkish Federation of Furniture Associations - MOSFED in EFIC as the main representative of Turkey in EFIC, replacing MOSDER.
MOSFED was established in 2014 as the ''umbrella organisation'' of the furniture industry. Today, the federation gathers a wide production and sales network from every region of Turkey and it is the voice of 36 thousand furniture manufacturers and 60 thousand furniture merchandisers.
European furniture industry ready to embark on the journey to make sustainable products the norm
March 31, 2022
The European Commission published yesterday its long-awaited proposal for a Regulation on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products, extending the scope of the current Ecodesign framework to cover the broadest possible range of products.
The furniture industry is ready to collaborate with policymakers and other stakeholders in this journey to provide sector-specific expertise.

EFIC recently established the ‘EFIC Cluster of Clusters’, offering a new type of associated membership in EFIC to clusters active in the furniture industry.
February 22, 2022
The platform will be dedicated to discussing innovation in the furniture sector and co-coordinated together with associated EFIC member Cenfim.
EFIC warmly welcomes new associated members under the Cluster of Clusters: Distretto Interni Design (dID) from Tuscany (Italy), the Wood Furniture Home Cluster FVG from Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), and the Wood Industry Cluster from Slovenia.
If you are a furniture cluster and want to know more about EFIC associated membership within Cluster of Clusters, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@efic.eu
The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) signed a collaboration to generate awareness of intellectual property to national furniture associations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
February 1, 2022
This collaboration, in the context of supporting European SMEs, highlights the measures necessary for design protection. This is of particular interest to businesses in an industry in which design is key – giving companies a competitive advantage - and the threats of counterfeiting and unfair competition are everyday realities.

The European furniture industries co-signs the joint position paper ''Establishing an EU harmonised system to provide consumers with understandable and clear sorting instructions for packaging waste''
December 17, 2021
EFIC co-signed a cross-industry position paper led by Europen (the European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment) to support an EU harmonised scheme for consumer sorting instructions on packaging, in view of the upcoming revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.

The European furniture industries come together in Milan on the occasion of the SuperSalone
September 8, 2021
On the occasion of the Salone del Mobile, one of the flagship events of the furniture sector, representatives of the industry convened in Milan to attend the European Furniture Industries Confederation’s (EFIC) Board meeting, hosted by FederlegnoArredo. The meeting featured special guest Mr. Andrea Di Carlo, Deputy Executive Director at EUIPO, the European Union Intellectual Property Office.

EFIC position on Sustainable Products Initiative on the latest edition of the World Furniture International Markets Review
August 31, 2021
In its latest edition of the World Furniture International Markets Review, CSIL features the EFIC position on the upcoming sustainable products initiative, providing policymakers with recommendations on the future legislative proposal

EFIC co-signs a joint industry call for an EU approach to packaging waste labelling
June 24, 2021
Sustainable Products Initiative
European furniture industry insights Position paper accompanying input to open public consultation
June 8, 2021
Today EFIC issues its position paper accompanying the input of the European furniture industries to open public consultation on the upcoming Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI).

EFIC welcomes CENFIM-Furnishings Cluster in its membership as an associated member
May 20, 2021
Today, EFIC welcomes CENFIM-Furnishings Cluster in its membership as an associated member. CENFIM is a cluster founded in 2006 as a non-profit entity, with headquarters in Spain and over 140 associated members. CENFIM’s mission is to promote the competitiveness of furniture and interior products companies through innovation. CENFIM has three areas of activities: innovation (digitization, sustainability and shared value), vocational training (new skills need detection and trainings content development) and market intelligence (collaborative projects).

EFIC and EFBWW joint declaration on Healthy and Safe Workplaces
April 29, 2021
With this joint declaration the European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) support the recognition of healthy and safe workplaces as a fundamental right
as stated by the International Labour Organization (ILO). A global consensus for such a change will encourage
the application of good occupational health and safety standards and discourage countries and
companies from seeking competitive advantage based on substandard conditions and practices.

COVID-19: European furniture sector under pressure calls on EU institutions and Member States for coordinated response across Europe
April 23, 2021
The European furniture sector expresses concerns over an unharmonised response across the EU to the coronavirus pandemic, which is bringing uncertainty and difficulties. In addition to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the furniture and bedding industries are also faced with reduced availability of raw materials, a considerable increase of raw material prices, as well as bottlenecks over logistics.
Sawyer project final conference: Impacts of the twin transition on the EU furniture industry
March 10, 2021
On 10 March, the Spanish Furnishings cluster (CENFIM), hosted the final conference of the Sawyer project, which served as a platform to present the Sawyer final report and have a discussion on its main results. EFIC was a partner in the project and EFIC Secretary General Gabriella Kemendi spoke of the role of Social Dialogue in the transition to a more circular economy, among others.

Edi Snaidero appointed President
of the European Furniture Industries Confederation
March 2, 2021
At the Extraordinary General Assembly of the European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) held on 2 March 2021, the EFIC membership elected Edi Snaidero as President of the organisation for the period running from 2021 to 2024. Markus Wiesner steps down from his role after nine years of dedication to the confederation.

EFIC Statement on price increase of raw materials
March 1, 2021
1 March 2021 - The European furniture industries report a generalised increase in prices of certain raw materials, which meet the furniture industry in a difficult point in time, where the industry is trying to recover from the impact of the coronavirus crisis. The furniture industry is closely monitoring and evaluating the situation and calls on suppliers to do the necessary to not incur into unnecessary extra costs for the supply of raw materials, as increased prices will hamper the furniture industry from a swift recovery from the impact of Covid-19.

EFIC Annual Report 2020
February 24, 2021
The EFIC annual report of activities 2020 is available! Read about our initiatives throughout the year on Covid-19, circular economy, international trade and market access, Social Dialogue and within Alliance for Flame Retardant Free Furniture.

EFIC Press Release: EFIC signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers
February 9, 2021
9 February 2021 - EFIC is pleased to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers, committing to regular exchanges on activities and files of common interest, including international trade, as well as on the overall situation of the industry in the countries represented by both organisations.
The Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers is a multi-level professional service organization for domestic and international furniture manufacturers. Since 2001 UAFM has developed into the largest service platform for furniture manufacturers in Ukraine. UAFM members are Ukrainian manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and designers. 60%+ is the total share of the furniture market of Ukraine.
EFIC Statement: Order delays resulting from COVID-19:
European Furniture industry calls on partners for flexibility and solidarity
February 8, 2021
8 February 2021 - The European furniture industries express concerns over shortages of raw materials, which are resulting in delays of furniture deliveries, as experienced by many furniture companies in Europe. The industry is working towards solutions to alleviate the current bottlenecks. Nonetheless, the current crisis is unprecedented and a force majeure and the industry calls on furniture partners for understanding, flexibility and solidarity in these difficult times.
EFIC Press release: Committed circular design paves the way for circular economy - the Furniture Industries' perspective
November 17, 2020
On 18 November 2020, close to 200 participants gathered in a webinar hosted by EFIC on ‘Circular Design for Furniture’, an initiative aimed at bringing policymakers, industry representatives and other actors together to discuss the potential of circular design in the transition of the furniture industries towards a more circular economy.
EFIC Press Release: European furniture industry experiences shortages of supplies
November 11, 2020
12 November 2020 - The European Furniture Industries express concerns over continued shortages of materials and the resulting implications throughout the value chain and call on material suppliers to stabilise the supplies of materials that are necessary for the production of furniture.
EFIC position paper: Upcoming sustainable products initiative should consider the complexity of furniture
November 03, 2020
4 November 2020 - In view of the upcoming sustainable products initiative the European Furniture Industries Confederation urges EU policymakers to take a holistic approach to ensure a harmonised regulatory framework, to consider the complexity of furniture products and to rely on standardisation bodies and industry expertise in the process.
EFIC Press Release: Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability paving the way for a toxic-free environment
October 15, 2020
16 October 2020 - The European Furniture Industries Confederation welcomes the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability published by the European Commission on 14 October and supports a more sustainable chemicals policy, enabling the green and digital transition, accelerating the shift to a more circular economy and reducing consumer, vulnerable groups and workers’ exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Social partners joint statement on digitalisation
July 05, 2020
The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) - recognized European social partner organisations for the Furniture sector – issue their joint recommendations on how to anticipate, design, implement and manage industrial change driven by digital transformation.
Joint Statement: Call for compliance with the Single Market rules
June 17, 2020
EFIC co-signed a joint statement issued by the representatives of the European Forestry Value chain, addressing a provision recently introduced in the Austrian Forest Act. This provision, if adopted and implemented, could represent a breach of the European Internal market rules and potentially create distortions in the Single Market.
EU Recovery needs a resilient Single Market, Circular Economy and digitalisation
May 28, 2020
Covid-19 has led to an unprecedented health and economic crisis, showing that a European problem needs a European solution. On 27 May the European Commission proposed a Recovery Package to repair and revitalise the Single Market and to support investments in a green and digital future. The European Furniture industries welcome the focus on these three key elements and is completely aligned with the European Commission on the green recovery.
EFIC Press Release: European Furniture Industry embraces EU circularity objectives
April 20, 2020
21 April 2020 - The European Furniture Industries Confederation welcomes the New Circular Economy Action Plan published by the European Commission on 11 March 2020, strongly supports circularity ambitions and is ready to be involved in making circular economy - a key enabler of the EU’s climate and environmental goals - a reality, by providing sector specific-expertise whenever needed. Find here the press release.
EFIC Press Release - Unwanted toxic flame retardants preventing circularity and increasing fire toxicity
April 14, 2020
15 April 2020 - The Alliance for Flame Retardant Free Furniture welcomes the New Circular Economy Action Plan and calls on the EU institutions to address the unnecessary and unwanted use of chemicals which prevent circularity and climate goals, such as toxic flame retardants in furniture, which endanger at the same time people’s and firefighters’ health, as they migrate out of products and may lead to an increase in fire toxicity.
EFIC Press release - COVID-19 recommendations
April 07, 2020
EFIC calls on the EU Institutions and the Member States to take the necessary measures to overcome the crisis and preserve the EU Single Market. Particularly by ensuring and facilitating: the transportation of goods, border crossing of workers & commuters, access to the necessary protective equipment to workers and to liquidity support schemes to companies, support to apprenticeship via European funds and concrete recommendations for a safe resume of economic activities.
EFIC Press Release on the New Circular Economy Action Plan and the new Industrial Strategy for Europe
March 10, 2020
EFIC welcomes the Commission's New Circular Economy Action Plan and flags potential barriers and fragmentation of the EU Internal Market that could result from misaligned implementation initiatives at Member State level. EFIC also welcomes the new Industrial Strategy for Europe recognising that Europe’s industry is central to growth and prosperity.
EFIC Press Release on the European Green Deal
December 11, 2019
The European Furniture Industries are pleased to see the high ambitions behind the announced European Green Deal and particularly welcome the initiatives to support the industry in achieving a climate neutral and circular economy, the goals to create a toxic-free environment and to preserve and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as the focus on skills and digital transformation
Joint Paper Industry4Europe
November 25, 2019
EFIC supports the Industry4Europe Joint Paper promoting business friendly policies, sustainability, upgraded skills, R&D and funding, a reinforced single market and improved market access and contributing to the future EU Industrial Strategy announced by the European Commission.
Joint Statement on the revision of the DIRECTIVE 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work – Formaldehyde
July 19, 2018
Joint Statement on the revision of the Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work (3rd Batch) - Formaldehyde
The European Union includes intelligent safeguards to avoid market distortions in RED II, whilst raising targets for Renewable Energy Sources.
June 14, 2018
European producers of wood-based panels (represented by EPF), of furniture (represented by EFIC) and FederlegnoArredo (FLA), the Italian member association of both federations, welcome the conclusion of negotiations on Europe’s Renewable Energy Directive Recast (RED II).
EFIC position on the revision of the mutual recognition regulation
May 15, 2018
The Single Market for Goods is one of the EU’s greatest achievements, as well as one of its most important and continuing priorities. It finds its legal roots in the free movement of goods, the first of the four fundamental freedoms of the internal market established by the Treaties.
ECHA recommends restriction on flame retardants in polyurethane foams
April 16, 2018
In December 2017, ECHA - the European Chemicals Agency - opened a Call for evidence for a possible restriction under REACH of TCEP, TCPP and TDCP flame retardants used in flexible polyurethane (PUR) foams in childcare articles and residential furniture.

EFIC 2020 Strategy - BBCWFI becomes EFIC Member.
April 03, 2018
The Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industries becomes Member of EFIC.
EFIC Board Members welcomed BBCWFI's application for membership during the Board Meeting that took place in Vienna in March 2018.
Mr. Wiesner underlined the key role that one and united Confederation may play for improving and defending the furniture sector at the European level.
It seems that EFIC is on the right path.

Joint paper for an ambitious EU Industrial Policy Strategy
January 21, 2018
The Joint Paper “For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further”, is the result of a joint action promoted by 126 industry organisation reacting to the Communication on “Investing in a smart, innovative and sustainable Industry: a renewed Industrial Strategy for Europe” published by the European Commission in September 2017.