Chemical Watch's article: ECHA recommends restriction on flame retardants in polyurethane foams
In December 2017, ECHA - the European Chemicals Agency - opened a Call for evidence for a possible restriction under REACH of TCEP, TCPP and TDCP flame retardants used in flexible polyurethane (PUR) foams in childcare articles and residential furniture.
According to Chemical Watch's article, ECHA calls on the European Commission to prepare a restriction proposal under REACH.
In addition to this, the article quotes the European Furniture Industries Confederation's (EFIC) call to widen the scope of such restriction to the public contract furniture market. In fact, as EFIC President Mr. Wiesner stated, "in these segments of the furniture market, open flame tests leading to the use of flame retardant chemicals are often requested by regulation, buyers or public authorities".
In the USA, many States have already introduced a ban to the use of toxic chemicals in products in order to avoid people's long term exposure to FRs.
EFIC is a member of the Alliance for Flame Retardant Free Furniture in Europe, a coalition of stakeholders including industry associations and environmental NGOs. Check the Alliance's website here.
For more information, read Chemical Watch's article (under paywall) or info@efic.eu.