FURN5.0- Industry guidelines and tools with a worker-centred approach for the EU furniture sector digitalisation

Timespan: 2024 - 2026
European Commission call: Support for Social Dialogue SOCPL-2023-SOC-DIALOG
Website: https://www.furn50.eu/
Latest Activities
FURN5.0 tackles the challenge of providing sector companies with practical guidelines and tools to support them to implement their Industry 5.0 transition strategy and aims to develop:
Online survey to collect and analyse data on the general situation or maturity of companies across the EU in the field of Industry 5.0
Practical, validated guidelines to integrate companies existing management models with actions and activities to deploy Industry 5.0 practices
Online tool for self-evaluating their level of maturity and real readiness to deploy Industry 5.0 practices.
The project will also identify managers and employees knowledge and skills needed to successfully implement Industry5.0 practices and create a set of recommendations for furniture and other sectors stakeholders to foster and support the deployment of these practices.